MySQL 8 for CyberPanel

CyberPanel uses MariaDB by default. But we are using the most advanced version of MYSQL 8. MariaDB cannot meet most needs. So I want to use MYSQL 8. I would like you to help me on how to install and add a new update and this MariaDB and MYSQL 8 selection feature. Because sometimes, MySQL 8 is a must.


How can I install MYSQL 8 without any problem? i need help with this. In my own trials, the database and server crashed.

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Same problem here.
Anybody succeeded?

did you tried to update cyberpanel?

Not yet. Should I?

I think you misread the topic - this is for moving from MariaDB 10.x to mysql 8.

I see this old tutorial, but the author later advised people not to do it. [Tutorial]How to remove MariaDB and replace with MySQL on CyberPanel - Docs / Unfiled - CyberPanel Community

Seems like something that’s not particularly possible?

FYI, for anyone coming here later, Usman confirmed this to me in a post in the CyberPanel FB Group:

LiteSpeed is independant of Mysql. For example if you install LiteSpeed manually you can virtually use any database server
But CyberPanel comes with Mariadb
We do support remote mysql but it have some limitations

So, MySQL probably won’t work perfectly with CyberPanel (it stores its settings and config in the database), but OLS/LS should work fine with MySQL. I suppose that makes sense - it’s just a webserver that routes network requests to the application layer. And LSPHP does the php work for the webapp like WordPress. In fact, the real source for potential incompatibility is WordPress (or whatever your app runs on - nodejs, django, ruby etc…) - whether its DB functions can talk to MySQL 8 or not. They say that MySQL > 5.7 works Requirements |

Another idea that someone shared in the LiteSpeed Slack - install MariaDB with CyberPanel, as normal. But then install MySQL in parallel with MariaDB and point your WebApps to it as needed. Docker would probably make that easiest.

Plus 1 for MySQL.