My email setup is not working properly

yes the destination email is Gmail.

Ok just to be sure run this test using your cyberpanel email address - //email/testTo: you can add extra options to give us a clearer picture

Post a screenshot here of the results. You can hide any sensitive info you dont want us to view.

Remove links in your email body if you have any GMail is meticulous about that because of Bulk Sender’s Guidelines

Post the email logs here https://SERVER_URL:8090/serverlogs/errorLogs

Did you get my email?

No post the contents of nano /etc/postfix/ || vi /etc/postfix/ by running said command on ssh terminal

For Ubuntu nano /etc/postfix/

For RHEL based vi /etc/postfix/

conf IS OK

Post this here

Seen the correct logs in your DM

Edit nano /etc/postfix/ and change

inet_protocols = all


inet_protocols = ipv4

and have these directives as such

smtpd_milters = inet:
non_smtpd_milters = $smtpd_milters
milter_default_action = accept

Probably milter service is either is not started or not working properly. But I highly doudbt that. Also maybe dns

Edit “nano /etc/resolv.conf” and try:





service postfix restart && service postfix status

Post screenshot of result

You can check this docs to understand why

Have I done it right? (Little weak on SSH stuffs

Everything is ok. Try sending an email to me and to that gmail account

I tried and it didn’t work for me and sent you too.

Me neither. I will assume you have not done the basics. Kindly check the firewall https://SERVER_URL/firewall/ do you see rule smtp with port 25 and smtps with port 587?

Do you have any other firewall? Which service provider do you use?

One more thing to note that I don’t have setup the DKIM for my servers yet, could it be the issue?

Yes. Set them up

You also dont have spamassasin setup for a good reputation:

We can rule out the firewall unless you have some other firewall runnign alongside cyberpanel. First setup DKIM keys and let me know - check here if they all setup after DKIM Record Checker - DKIM tools | EasyDMARC as of now there are no records

I tried installing the DKIM but this command is not working yum install opendkim -y, I am using Mac OS terminal for installing it.

this is the error I am getting in DKIM manager

Are you running a RHEL based os or Ubuntu? You dont need to install opendkim you can do it from the cyberpanel admin panel. https://SERVER_URL:8090/email/dkimManager

Kindly copy paste that error here

This is the error I am getting in DKIM Manager inside Cyber Panel (I am running Ubuntu)
[Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/usr/local/CyberCP/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tldextract/.suffix_cache/’

I tried running chown cyberpanel:cyberpanel along with -R but it gave some Illegal entry error.