I am trying to move my website from one Cyberpanel to another cyberpanel located on another server with better specs.
I used ‘remote backups’ feature and successfully added my websites to the new server.
Okay, after migrating, i did noticed that the websites were not showing storage and bandwidth in the website stats. Maybe it’s a bug.
Anyways, after migrating, I changed the Dns setting to a new server ip address (A record). I use cloudflare for this. I also added and replaced the ssl certificate by cloudflare.
I didn’t do anything else and when I open any of my websites it says ‘500 ERROR’ unable to handle the request.
I installed cyberpanel on december
I have tried:
- Renaming my plugin folder (to disable it)
- Rename my theme (to disable it)
- Cleared htaccess (added the default settings only). It would give me a redirect loop then (i assume my htaccess migrated from the old server is correct).
- Changed php configs: increased memory limit to (256mb and even 512mb), increase execution time, increase size etc.
- I did enabled debug mode as well but it doesn’t show anything just a blank white page on website.
What should I do and how should I proceed further?
Any help will be appreciated.