Mautic Update - Stuck on Clearing Application Cache

I used cyber panel to install mautic. I have PHP 8.0.

I am attempting to update mautic using the mautic dashboard. (bell icon)

The problem
The update is stuck on clearing application cache. I waited a long time but it does not progress.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem :
I increased max execution time from 30 to 500.
I increased max input time from 60 to 320.

Mautic related steps do it manually

  1. Clear cache cd /home/wheremauticlives/ && php bin/console cache:clear && rm -rf var/cache

I am not sure what to replace wheremauticlives/ with, I assumed it was the url.

I tried the following:

cd /home/ && php bin/console cache:clear && rm -rf var/cache

Received the following error:

Fix folder permissions

In future consider Using the production package | Mautic