Mautic cron job not work

I face issue related mautic cron job it’s not work i mention with SS please see any issue in this… and solution me what’s is wrong.

Hello @annie995

What seems to be the issue with cronjobs? They do not work?

i run a camp but it’s don’t send any email

I do not see the mautic:campaigns:trigger cronjob that is recommend on your list of cronjobs.

copy another mautic cronjob here i will show you how to write one. i need that because of your php path

it’s already added please check my 1st Screen shot

Ok seen it. copy paste that command and run it on ssh terminal. post the error you get. also run this mautic:emails:send cronjob so that we process mail queue

i run this command it’s maybe done don’t get any error of there. so what’s next???

Did you receive any emails where you were sending the campaigns?