how can i disable mailscanner? I like remove mailscanner cyberpanel. How to? Thanks.
I have cyberpanel 2.0.2 and I install it through the panel, but it is a problem changing labels to emails, deleting attachments and I cannot configure it. I would like to deactivate or eliminate it and that postfix and dovecot work without that filter. Thank you
You need to:
Remove MailScanner via yum
yum remove MailScanner
- revert the configs to the backups created when you have installed Mailscanner
/etc/postfix/header-checks (remove the line /^Received:/ HOLD at the bottom of the file)
In file devecot sieve (/etc/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve), remove:
require “fileinto”;
if header :contains “X-Spam-Flag” “YES” {
fileinto “INBOX.Junk E-mail”;
rm -rf /usr/local/CyberCP/public/mailwatch
remove also /etc/MailScanner and /usr/share/MailScanner directory -
Restart devecot and postfix
I installed it through the cyberpanel ui and it tells me that it does not exist when doing the yum remove
Yes, it is installed through the cyberpanel interface. I will also try more carefully in case the capital letters or something does not put them well in the remove.
What I do not know if the previous configurations existed, do you still know what lines should be eliminated in those files? since in the others you have specified it to me header-checks and sieve.
In these others do you know what lines would be?
Thank you.
It too bad that you don’t have uninstall for things you have install in Cyberpanel interface.
This has all of our email down. I have a paid litespeed server and can not get response to our ticket. so as of now we are shut down for 3 days now.
if mailscanner Is going to shut down email service and from what I read it does, why the f have it as an option to turn on?
Why no uninstall? this is terrible.
@Copernic said:
- revert the configs to the backups created when you have installed Mailscanner
/etc/postfix/header-checks (remove the line /^Received:/ HOLD at the bottom of the file)
Where would I find the backups created when Mailscanner was installed?
In case anyone finds this thread and is looking for the answer, the backup files are located in the same directories, suffixed by -bak and a timestamp.