lscache freezing problem


I am using a 4 core Intel(R) Xeon(R), 8gb ram with a vps.

I did panel installation smoothly… but when I actived lscache and run CSS Minify (CSS Combine, JS Minify, CSS HTTP/2 Push can also be…) the server is being locked, cpu load reaches the %100 values.

Is there a setting this except for the default setting ?


Please try enable them one by one , to see which one is creating the load.


Please try enable them one by one , to see which one is creating the load.

I’m starting to try with css and after html minify, gets stuck cpu load both of them.

I did not look at the other. Is there a setting I missed?

if you only enable css , does it overload ?

Yes, I try to enable only CSS Minify, cpu load %100 again. And then ı am going to restart openlitespeed. it comes back.

if you create another new WP with LSCWP, and enable CSS minify will it overload ?

if it doesn’t , try disable all other plugins in your site and try CSS minify see if it overloads.

ı was using before wp-fastest cache premium. I was not having trouble.

Problem can be around; htaccess permission, openlitespeed settings or php adjustment ?

All settings are default.