Installation - Failed to start PowerDNS instance, exiting installer!

Hi I am trying to install CyberPanel and in the log file this shows up at the end of the file: Failed to start PowerDNS instance, exiting installer!
And installation failed.
I cannot try to install it again because it says CyberPanel is already installed.
CentOS 7 64bit
Intel® Xeon(R) CPU X5355 @ 2.66GHz × 8
Hope you can help!

What kind of virtualization you are using?

And what do you have in

What kind of virtualization you are using?

And what do you have in


I am actually just using a plain install of CentOS 7 on a Hard Drive so I am not running it on a VM or anything like that, But I did try to install it on a VM to see what happens and the same thing happened, What I have discovered is that It cannot start PowerDNS because it “Failed to start PowerDNS Authoritative Server.”
Here is what is in the installLogs.txt file:
“[01-03-14-Tue-Sep-2018] Starting CyberPanel installation…
[01-03-14-Tue-Sep-2018] SUDO successfully installed!
[01-03-14-Tue-Sep-2018] CyberPanel user added!
[01-03-14-Tue-Sep-2018] CyberPanel user was successfully added to SUDO group!
[01-03-14-Tue-Sep-2018] Successfully created Let’s Encrypt directory!
[01-03-16-Tue-Sep-2018] YUM UPDATE ran successfully.
[01-03-17-Tue-Sep-2018] CyberPanel Repo added!
[01-03-28-Tue-Sep-2018] EPEL Repo added!
[01-03-36-Tue-Sep-2018] PIP successfully installed!
[01-03-40-Tue-Sep-2018] Python development tools successfully installed!
[01-03-55-Tue-Sep-2018] GCC Successfully installed!
[01-03-56-Tue-Sep-2018] Python setup tools Successfully installed!
[01-04-05-Tue-Sep-2018] DJANGO successfully installed!
[01-04-10-Tue-Sep-2018] pexpect successfully installed!
[01-04-14-Tue-Sep-2018] MySQL-python successfully installed!
[01-04-16-Tue-Sep-2018] GUNICORN successfully installed!
[01-04-28-Tue-Sep-2018] psutil successfully installed!
[01-04-28-Tue-Sep-2018] Configuring Gunicorn…
[01-04-28-Tue-Sep-2018] Gunicorn Configured!
[01-04-28-Tue-Sep-2018] Gunicorn can now start after system restart!
[01-04-49-Tue-Sep-2018] OpenLiteSpeed successfully installed!
[01-04-49-Tue-Sep-2018] Changing default port to 80…
[01-04-49-Tue-Sep-2018] Default port is now 80 for OpenLiteSpeed!
[01-04-51-Tue-Sep-2018] OpenLiteSpeed successfully restarted!
[01-04-51-Tue-Sep-2018] Setting up Filemanager files…
[01-04-51-Tue-Sep-2018] Filemanager files are set!
[01-07-14-Tue-Sep-2018] LiteSpeed PHPs successfully installed!
[01-07-44-Tue-Sep-2018] LiteSpeed PHP 7.1 successfully installed!
[01-08-14-Tue-Sep-2018] LiteSpeed PHP 7.1 successfully installed!
[01-08-14-Tue-Sep-2018] Fixing OpenLiteSpeed configurations!
[01-08-14-Tue-Sep-2018] OpenLiteSpeed Configurations fixed!
[01-08-16-Tue-Sep-2018] OpenLiteSpeed successfully restarted!
[01-08-16-Tue-Sep-2018] Setting up MariaDB Repo…
[01-08-16-Tue-Sep-2018] MariaDB repo set!
[01-09-39-Tue-Sep-2018] MariaDB successfully installed!
[01-09-43-Tue-Sep-2018] MariaDB instance successfully started!
[01-09-43-Tue-Sep-2018] MariaDB instance successfully enabled at system restart!
[01-09-43-Tue-Sep-2018] Changing MariaDB root password…
[01-09-44-Tue-Sep-2018] MariaDB root password changed!
[01-09-44-Tue-Sep-2018] Changing CyberPanel MariaDB root password…
[01-09-44-Tue-Sep-2018] End Of File (EOF). Exception style platform.
<pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7ff830b98b90>
command: /bin/mysql
args: [‘/bin/mysql’, ‘-u’, ‘root’, ‘-p’]
buffer (last 100 chars): ‘’
before (last 100 chars): “ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)\r
after: <class ‘pexpect.exceptions.EOF’>
match: None
match_index: None
exitstatus: 1
flag_eof: True
pid: 23483
child_fd: 6
closed: False
timeout: 5
delimiter: <class ‘pexpect.exceptions.EOF’>
logfile: None
logfile_read: None
logfile_send: None
maxread: 2000
ignorecase: False
searchwindowsize: None
delaybeforesend: 0.05
delayafterclose: 0.1
delayafterterminate: 0.1
searcher: searcher_re:
0: re.compile(“clear the current input statement.”) Exception EOF [changeMYSQLRootPasswordCyberPanel]
[01-09-44-Tue-Sep-2018] MariaDB instance successfully started!
[01-09-51-Tue-Sep-2018] PureFTPD successfully installed!
[01-09-51-Tue-Sep-2018] PureFTPD successfully enabled at system restart!
[01-09-51-Tue-Sep-2018] System group for FTP successfully created!
[01-09-52-Tue-Sep-2018] System user for FTP successfully created!
[01-09-52-Tue-Sep-2018] Configuring PureFTPD…
[01-09-52-Tue-Sep-2018] SSL for PureFTPD successfully created!
[01-09-52-Tue-Sep-2018] PureFTPD configured!
[01-09-52-Tue-Sep-2018] PureFTPD instance successfully started!
[01-09-56-Tue-Sep-2018] PowerDNS Repositories successfully installed!
[01-09-58-Tue-Sep-2018] PowerDNS Repositories successfully installed!
[01-10-16-Tue-Sep-2018] PowerDNS successfully installed!
[01-10-16-Tue-Sep-2018] Configuring PowerDNS…
[01-10-16-Tue-Sep-2018] PowerDNS configured!
[01-10-16-Tue-Sep-2018] PowerDNS successfully enabled at system restart!
[01-10-18-Tue-Sep-2018] Failed to start PowerDNS instance, exiting installer! [startPowerDNS]”

@CyberPanel Any updates to this?

I will further investigate, but please make sure that before installing CyberPanel port 53 is not occupied by some other process (such as bind).

And make sure to install on Centos 7 minimal.

I will further investigate, but please make sure that before installing CyberPanel port 53 is not occupied by some other process (such as bind).

And make sure to install on Centos 7 minimal.

Ok, I did install it on CentOS 7 with the GNOME desktop so that might be affecting it.

Nevermind I figured it out. It was because GNOME was installed IDK if the panel works but it said it successfully installed on my Test VM when I did a minimal install.

Great, yes minimal Centos 7.x is the best candidate.