Install Discourse in Docker

It is possible to install discourse in docker in cyberpanel, I have reviewed the tutorial of docker in cyberpanel, and when I create the container with the discourse image in docker I do not ask for the port

which image are you using? The image should expose the port, otherwise, CyberPanel cannot detect.

I’m using the official image, which image would recommend me would be great to use discourse with cyberpanel.


Hi, How can I replicate this configuration from ningx in openlitespeed:

server {
listen 80;
server_name forum.tecmint.lan;

    location / {
            proxy_pass http://unix:/var/discourse/shared/standalone/nginx.http.sock:;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;


I confirm that discourse can be used with Cyberpanel and I will place the respective guide runs excellent

Would be king enough to share a tutorial on how you installed discourse using cyberpanel please?

Yes please, could you let us know how to get this going - tried a few images now and can’t get it going!


It is simple to use the official discurse image in docker on your discourse/ at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub, they should do a proxy from docker to openlitespeed that’s all the trick.

@terabytefrelance I understand we have to proxy to the docker container . But what exactly do in openlitespeed? vhost? websockets? Some steps and configuration will be very much appreciated.

Type your comment> @xBloodshed said:

@terabytefrelance I understand we have to proxy to the docker container . But what exactly do in openlitespeed? vhost? websockets? Some steps and configuration will be very much appreciated.

did you find a solution to this?

I also want to install it…how do i do it?

The process is almost 90% similar to this guide → How to install NextCloud on CyberPanel with Docker - #2 by deewinc - Blog Posts - CyberPanel Community

You can just replace Nextcloud with Discourse

Type your comment> @usmannasir said:

The process is almost 90% similar to this guide →

You can just replace Nextcloud with Discourse

ohhh I tried it out now thanks