I’m set logs keep 1 day on LiteSpeed server but old logs files not delete, can manually deleting save?
and how to delete?
Welcome @bishal Happy you are here
Yes you can create a cronjob for this if you feel OLS is not doing a good job of rotation
Have you tried to adjust log rotation on OLS Web Admin Console?
I’m delete all that 15gb errors log data sir, problems solved. Before storage use 80% after deleting only 27% use. I use MobaXterm for safely deleting.
I think ols is working last month logs only there. This month logs i’m not see in that list.
I think i change some setting on OLS so that happened.
Go to OLS Web Admin > Server Configuration > Log (tab)
Specify how many days the access log file will be kept on disk. Only rotated log files older than the specified number of days will be deleted.
log rolling size: set to lower number 10MB is default i believe
Restart LSWS PID after that
Today I’m check
If so then I see nothing was effected here
since you already set a rolling size of 10MBs
How can i set these settings for access logs. My server is saving a lot of daily access logs which is taking up lot of space.