I have 10/10 on mail-tester.com but I can't send email through the site, it gives an OpenSSL error

My website was on a Contabo server and worked properly.
For personal reasons, I changed to another VPS that already existed, transferred the site via backup and my problems began.

First of all, I would like to inform you that my programming level is ZERO and, even so, I have been using Cyberpanel for over 2 years, without any problems, thanks to the people who contribute information here. Therefore, please accept my thanks and congratulations to everyone who helps Cyberpanel grow.

I have a 10/10 rating on mail-tester, even though my emClient email client reports that I’m using a self-signed certificate and, unfortunately, I can’t send email through the website, even though I install WP Mail SMTP, it gives an OpenSSL error .

I’ve already done all the procedures I found here in support and it didn’t help.
I’ve already installed SSL for the website, email, configured rDNS, DKIM, DMARC and everything else I would need to work correctly.
I just couldn’t check an error in the etc/server file that I saw in a discussion because my programming level is ZERO.
Before, when I installed a certificate, I received an email stating error or success, now these emails no longer arrive.
Can anyone help me?

My domain is:


Carrying out tests at https://dnschecker.org/ I noticed an error in the CAA and DNSKEY records that did not occur in my other domain.
Is this my problem?
How to fix these CAA and DNSKEY records in Cyberpanel?

can you share the email tester link and checktls results with me?
also I need you to give me port that you are suing in smtp

Thank you for your willingness to help.
Here’s what was requested, I hope I did it correctly.

Link mail-tester.com
Spam Test Result

Link dnscheck CAA

Link dnscheck DNSKEY

Print when I try to send email via the website

Error message in English
Incorrectly configured server certificate.
This means that OpenSSL on your server cannot verify the server’s certificate.

There are a few reasons why this is happening. It could be that the server’s certificate is incorrectly configured or this server’s OpenSSL is using an outdated CA package.

Recommended next steps:
Verify that the server’s SSL certificate is valid.
Contact hosting support, show the “Full error log for debugging” below, and share this link with them.
Need help?
As a WP Mail SMTP Pro user, you have access to WP Mail SMTP priority support. Log in to your account at WPMailSMTP.com and submit a support request.