I cant get access to webmail

Hello. I have created a new mail for my website in CypberPanel.

When I make click in “Access Webmail” section… and use my mail and password… I get an error notification
“Authentication failed”.

I dont know what Can I do now.

here is a screenshot >>>> Screenshot by Lightshot

Thanks for your help

Rainloop won’t permit you access to webmail without a valid SSL certificate. You’ll need to replace the self-signed SSL with a valid Lets Encrypt or purchased SSL and you’ll be able to login to Rainloop webmail.

Hello Themew… thanks for your help,

I have a vaild ssl now.

in cyberpanel suport they told me I have port 25 blocked… so they say to check my firewall…

this is what i get in CyberPanel / Security / Firewall >>>>> Screenshot by Lightshot

I dont know how to add this port with what data.
