How to write translation for CyberPanel


To write translation for CyberPanel, you can download the language file from:

msgid "Create Cloud Linux Package - CyberPanel"
msgstr "Add your translated text here"

Using this method replace all msgstr with your translated text. Once the file is completed, you can either create a pull request on Github, or email your translated file to support[at] Make sure to include the name of the language you have translated to.


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I have added updated Polish translation on github.

@Nencio added to the package.

The CyberPanel One-Click Image is a next-generation hosting control panel, language and type in your username and password to log in to CyberPanel

Please add a Polish language to the project, because I do not have any rights to the project on github.

Using this method replaces all msgstr with your translated text. Once the file is completed, you can either create a pull request on Github or email your translated file to support[at] Make sure to include the name of the language you have translated to.

@CyberPanel I tried finding the English file in the stable GitHub.

Can’t find it.

I find all the other languages, but not the default English one.
I wanted to copy the English one, and translate it.
I don’t want to translate a language that I can’t really know if i translate correctly.

This manual is deprecated. Where is English is this folder ?

I’m modify my language file, but after saving and restarting the server there are no changes in the interface

Hi, the github link is broken, for latest version its: cyberpanel/django.po at stable · usmannasir/cyberpanel · GitHub