how to use your php.ini for each domain?

how to use your php.ini for each domain?

For CyberPanel Ent, you can use custom php.ini the similar way as Apache. For OpenLiteSpeed you can use phpIniOverride, such as

phpIniOverride  {
php_value display_errors "Off"
php_value upload_max_filesize "200M"
php_value post_max_size "250M"

You can put this in vHost conf of your website/child-domain.

For CyberPanel Ent, you can use custom php.ini the similar way as Apache. For OpenLiteSpeed you can use `phpIniOverride`, such as
phpIniOverride  {
php_value display_errors "Off"
php_value upload_max_filesize "200M"
php_value post_max_size "250M"

You can put this in vHost conf of your website/child-domain.

Great thanks

Please tell me how to enable the Directive short_open_tag on a specific domain via vHost conf?

Adding php_value short_open_tag=On to vHost conf does not produce the same results as its other variants

Make sure your vHost conf for OpenLiteSpeed looks like

docRoot                   $VH_ROOT/public_html
vhDomain                  $VH_NAME
vhAliases                 www.$VH_NAME
adminEmails               [email protected]
enableGzip                1
enableIpGeo               1

index  {
  useServer               0
  indexFiles              index.php, index.html

errorlog $VH_ROOT/logs/$VH_NAME.error_log {
  useServer               0
  logLevel                ERROR
  rollingSize             10M

accesslog $VH_ROOT/logs/$VH_NAME.access_log {
  useServer               0
  logFormat               "%v %h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b"
  logHeaders              5
  rollingSize             10M
  keepDays                10  compressArchive         1

scripthandler  {
  add                     lsapi:talksho php

extprocessor talksho {
  type                    lsapi
  address                 UDS://tmp/lshttpd/talksho.sock
  maxConns                10
  env                     LSAPI_CHILDREN=10
  initTimeout             600
  retryTimeout            0
  persistConn             1
  pcKeepAliveTimeout      1
  respBuffer              0
  autoStart               1
  path                    /usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/bin/lsphp
  extUser                 talksho
  extGroup                 talksho
  memSoftLimit            2047M
  memHardLimit            2047M
  procSoftLimit           400
  procHardLimit           500
context /.filemanager {
  location                /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/FileManager
  allowBrowse             1
  autoIndex               1

  accessControl  {
    allow       , localhost
  rewrite  {
    inherit               0

  phpIniOverride  {
php_value display_errors "Off"
php_value upload_max_filesize "200M"
php_value post_max_size "250M"
  addDefaultCharset       off
phpIniOverride  {
php_value short_open_tag 1

rewrite  {
  enable                  1
  autoLoadHtaccess        1
Make sure your vHost conf for OpenLiteSpeed looks like
docRoot                   $VH_ROOT/public_html
vhDomain                  $VH_NAME
vhAliases                 www.$VH_NAME
adminEmails               [email protected]
enableGzip                1
enableIpGeo               1

index  {
  useServer               0
  indexFiles              index.php, index.html

errorlog $VH_ROOT/logs/$VH_NAME.error_log {
  useServer               0
  logLevel                ERROR
  rollingSize             10M

accesslog $VH_ROOT/logs/$VH_NAME.access_log {
  useServer               0
  logFormat               "%v %h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b"
  logHeaders              5
  rollingSize             10M
  keepDays                10  compressArchive         1

scripthandler  {
  add                     lsapi:talksho php

extprocessor talksho {
  type                    lsapi
  address                 UDS://tmp/lshttpd/talksho.sock
  maxConns                10
  env                     LSAPI_CHILDREN=10
  initTimeout             600
  retryTimeout            0
  persistConn             1
  pcKeepAliveTimeout      1
  respBuffer              0
  autoStart               1
  path                    /usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/bin/lsphp
  extUser                 talksho
  extGroup                 talksho
  memSoftLimit            2047M
  memHardLimit            2047M
  procSoftLimit           400
  procHardLimit           500
context /.filemanager {
  location                /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/FileManager
  allowBrowse             1
  autoIndex               1

  accessControl  {
    allow       , localhost
  rewrite  {
    inherit               0

  phpIniOverride  {
php_value display_errors "Off"
php_value upload_max_filesize "200M"
php_value post_max_size "250M"
  addDefaultCharset       off
phpIniOverride  {
php_value short_open_tag 1

rewrite  {
  enable                  1
  autoLoadHtaccess        1

The greatest thanks!
Now works great

writemyessaytoday said: Adding php_value short_open_tag=On to vHost conf does not produce the same results as its other variants

When I go to Server > PHP > Edit PHP Configs, I cannot do basic editing for each php version. I wanted to do advance configurations, but when I restart the Litespeed, nothing is changed. What can be the issue?

Try add this


in ext app env , like so:

then copy everything in /usr/local/lsws/lsphpXX/etc/php.ini into /public_html/php.ini

after that , customize your values in public_html/php.ini



how can you set a custom PHP session save path for each domain on cyberpanel ent?

Make sure to run the following so the configuration is live.

lswsctrl fullrestart;skill -9 lsphp