How to update the Operating System with CyberPanel?

Simple question:

Can I update my operation system (Ubuntu 18) by

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade


Or do I destroy cyberpanel installation with this method?

How to update the Operating System in the correct way for cyberpanel installation?

Best regards,

After I destroyed some test installations doing the classic way with “apt update apt dist-upgrade” I figured out, that best method for me is to use the cyberpanel upgrade script with the same Version number of already installed system …


This seems like a very important topic right now with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS scheduled for release in one month - April 21, 2022.

When this happens (or for the release of new versions of any other OS), what is the procedure for upgrading the OS? Can we do so while maintaining the server and CyberPanel as-is? If so, how?

Or do we need to deploy a new server with a fresh OS install, fresh CyberPanel install and migrate all sites, settings, etc…?

I’d like to upgrade for many reasons - surely new features, security updates, and ultimately because it is the new LTS. But, most of all, MariaDB 10.6.7 is part of the official package repo, whereas 20.04 is still stuck on 10.3, which is 4 years old (and I’ve had a lot of difficulty in upgrading mariadb manually).

Here’s the various mariadb versions per ubuntu version.
Ubuntu – Package Search Results – mariadb-server



just use aptget update upgrade or dist-upgrade

but remember
cyberpanel recommended ubuntu 20.04.x and not tested on later version (AFAIK)

Thanks. I’d love for official confirmation from Usman about this though, especially about if 22.04 will be supported automatically or if we have to wait for your confirmation or even a new version of CyberPanel that supports it.

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Sorry to dig this up so long after the fact … but I’m in the same situation.

What is the “cyberpanel upgrade script” you’re referring to? Is it something different from the script for updating Cyberpanel itself? Is it a script that upgrades the OS? Interested to know.

Did you even find that official confirmation?
It seems laborious and a bit silly, to be honest, that one has to set up an entirely new server every time we want or need to upgrade the OS, and then migrate everything over. I’m keen to know if there’s a better way.

For Updates/Upgrades use the official Upgrade script:

02 - Upgrading CyberPanel - Docs / 01 - Install/Upgrade - CyberPanel Community

For Release Update ( do-release-upgrade ) I didn´t found any easy way right now.

Seems you have to export every single site as Backup and configure a complete new server, config it and restopre backups.

Thanks for getting back to me.
What a pain. Such a waste of time, it’s put me off upgrading the OS for ages (still sitting on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS). Going to bite the bullet and set up a new server with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS tonight. What could have taken minutes, will instead take many hours. :person_shrugging: :exploding_head:

Why bnot using the new Ubutun 24.04 LTS -its out now

@Kais , did you end up deploying a new server, and migrating the sites over? I tried, but it failed to migrate sites. Interested to hear how you got on with it.

Described here: Need help migrating sites to new (updated) server ... not working - #4 by inspiredearth

I went to 22.04 LTS because I didn’t see any info saying CP was compatible with 24.04 LTS. Only that it was compatible up to 22.04 LTS.

I tried it yesterday:

Ubuntu 20.04LTS + Cyberpanel via do-release-upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04LTS.

What can I say: It mostly worked!

After the release upgrade, Cyberpanel stopped working (litespeed did). Then I ran the update script of CyberPanel and lo and behold: Cyberpanel works again after the release upgrade!

There were a few things that no longer worked in relation to MailScanning and dovecot. However, I was able to revive them all by reinstalling and a little fix in the openssl.cnf how mentioned here:

The problem with CSF still exists of course.

So for all those who want to copy this: I do not give any guarantee, you will have to do some rework afterwards and most importantly: MAKE A BACKUP and/or a SNAPSHOT BEFOREhand