How to update GeoIP database in Mailwatch?

Current Version: 2.3
Build: 4
Current Commit: d32d25fa9acd163e5bcffebd05f0dd565710e964

Latest Version: 2.3
Latest Build: 4
Latest Commit: d32d25fa9acd163e5bcffebd05f0dd565710e964

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Can anyone explain how to do that please?

I have a Maxmind free license and just put it into /usr/local/CyberCP/public/mailwatch/mailscanner/conf.php but nothing happens.
Always same message: “A license key from is needed to download GeoLite2 data”

Everything works except this function.

Any help please?

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I have the same problem. Any help. Thanks.