how to find location php file and and run cron? via Cyberpanel interface, correct command?

I have this problem that cron is not running, probably I’m misspelling the location to php file

my php file location


My problem is that I don’t know exactly what command to enter?
I have tried many ways to type in locations and commands but none of them start the php file
Can someone give me the correct command?

you need to find, under which php version your file works fine.

let assume if it is 7.4
then you can add it as


so the cron entry will be

/usr/local/lsws/lsphp74/bin/php /home/

replace the php version accordingly based on requirement and compatibility.

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I have the same problem
If I want to run php from cron , should be specify the php version path then the cron file ?
The cyberpanel team in this community and even on the ticket just read and not going to answer!
That’s amazing

Yes, you need to specify full path of php version suggested by @maxin then of full path of php file(.php) in command text box.

Also you can set default php version with below command which is optional, after you can use php instead of full path of php. But sometimes you need to use other php version which not set as default version. In that case you need to define full php in cron job.

ln -s /usr/local/lsws/lsphp74/bin/php /use/bin/php

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My script will run completly witout any problems in cpanel , directadmin and plesk
but every command I used to run the php file , it was cleaned !
and the support team just watch the proccess , they are not going to answer or help
When you ask for help from that team , they make a proforma invoice and say pay so we can help you

It should just run the php file to backup the database from 1database to second database ,
I’m going to purchase the plesk panel , after 2month no body helped me in this problem

Thanks for reply @luckyrajpurohit

Can you make video and upload somewhere so I can see what you are doing and what is issue.

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Yes , sure , in less than an hour I will send the video

This is the process of cron

Let me check same thing on my server

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Do you need access or the script ?

Yes, i need access.
I have tested same things as you have done on server but file content not removed.

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You fix it for me
Thank you so much
I don’t know how to thank you.
Thanks a loot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart: :heartbeat:

Hello, Please can someone help me how to set cron Jobs command in cyberpanel?