Hello Everyone,
I am facing one issue with Cyberpanel’s Openlitespeed and nuxt-js app via proxy. the domain is not redirecting to www and HTTPS.
Same thing I have tested on the local machine’s Openlitespeed without Cyberpanel. it’s working fine.
I have searched the string via command grep -iRl “Disabled by CyberPanel” /usr/local/lsws/
and I found one file that has functions Disabled by CyberPanel (/usr/local/lsws/admin/html/lib/ows/DTblDef.php)
Can I comment below function for enabling the Rewrite Rules?
**protected function add_VT_REWRITE_MAP($id)**
$parseFormat = "/^((txt|rnd):\/*)|(int:(toupper|tolower|escape|unescape))$/";
$name = self::NewTextAttr('name', DMsg::ALbl('l_name'), 'name', false, 'rewriteMapName');
$location = self::NewParseTextAttr('location', DMsg::ALbl('l_location'), $parseFormat, DMsg::ALbl('parse_rewritemaplocation'), true, 'rewriteMapLocation');
$note = $this->_attrs['note']->dup(null,null,null);
$name->cyberpanelBlocked = true;
$location->cyberpanelBlocked = true;
$note->cyberpanelBlocked = true;
$attrs = [
$label = DMsg::ALbl('l_rewritemap');
if (PathTool::IsCyberPanel()) {
$label .= ' (Disabled by CyberPanel)';
$this->_tblDef[$id] = DTbl::NewIndexed($id, $label, $attrs, 'name');
**protected function add_VT_REWRITE_RULE($id)**
$rules = self::NewTextAreaAttr('rules', null, 'cust', true, 5, null, 1, 1);
$rules->cyberpanelBlocked = true;
$attrs = array(
$label = DMsg::ALbl('l_rewriterules');
if (PathTool::IsCyberPanel()) {
$label .= ' (Disabled by CyberPanel)';
$this->_tblDef[$id] = DTbl::NewRegular($id, $label, $attrs, 'rewriteRules', 1);