How Navicat remote to database?

I see Setup Remote Access for database. But It isn’t working.
Help me to find a guide.

  1. make sure the mysql port is added under the firewall ( 3306)
  2. add your IP under remote access
    databases> list database> select the site and add the IP under remote access

now you’re able to connect to mysql from navicat,

but I wouldn’t suggest to expose the mysql to public, so if you know what is ssh tunnel then it would be the best secure method to access mysql

What if 3306 is opened in firewall and IP added in the remote db access and still cannot connect?

1- delete the port from the firewall.
2- delete your IP from remote access (you can put “localhost”) or delete DB and re-create it.
3- in Navicat put the IP “localhost” and the user and password of your DB and port 3306.
4- From the list above select SSH and add the info that you use in putty even the port 22 or if you change it…

you can log in now

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