How do I hadd a domain I already own to Hostinger Cyberpanel


This is my first time trying to set up a VPS. I have a website through Wix with a domain I already own. I want to use that same domain with “hosting” as the subdomain, pointed to my VPS.

I’m uploading client projects to my VPS and I want it to say “

Thank you very much for your help.

isn’t that a hostinger question? Aren’t they paid to answer that or they just don’t want to?

transfer domain in to hostinger update dns according to that and that’s it

I have no idea. You could be right. This is my first time dealing with anything website/hosting related. If this were a kitchen I wouldn’t know a hamburger from a ham sandwich.

Thank you. I decided to use another domain I own for my VPS, not related to my Wix site. Just having trouble with the SSL now. It says “SSL has been issued” but https isn’t showing up in the adress bar. Does it have something to do with the fact I set up my own name server for the VPS?

Regarding the original question, be it hostinger or not, the usual steps are:

  • Going to where you purchased the domain
  • Create a subdomain at their DNS manager pointing to your VPS IP
  • Create the same subdomain at your cyberpanel

If hostinger has special steps for it, don’t know but would be very strange if they did.

no worry, you can check up hostinger cyberpanel tutorial page, they charge you for it, so might as well use it : VPS | Hostinger Help Center