How do I change the server time zone on CyberPanel dashboard

and tried to modify the php changing the time zone, but when I do an insert in the database, I get like 7 hours of difference … the service is a VPS

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Run in ssh terminal

timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kathmandu

To get all timezones first use timedatectl list-timezones | grep "{continent}/" | less e.g.

timedatectl list-timezones | grep "Africa/" | less
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Is there any way to do it from the cyberpanel? that I have never connected with ssh to the vps

There is no dashboard option for this. Use ssh or vnc. This should be accessible to you if not ask your service provider to set this up for you.

Now I try to increase, verify my credentials, or I will consult my provider

You need to change from the terminal not available in cyberpanel check


I was able to enter ssh

I already made the change and it keeps the utc time, here the time is 15:48 and at the time of the insert it takes me 21:48

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