**HELLO before you read this problem I was having i want to apologize to everyone, the problems that i described below it was my fault.
when i modified the HOSTS FILE i typed the domainname.com incorrectly that’s why i was having the problem but did not realize it. till now. if you like to read want problem I was having please do.
im sure it will help someone.
******I FIXED MY PROBLEM *******************
*******BEFORE FIXING MY SPELL ON THE DOMAINNAME (read it only if you want to know what mistake i was making)
Hello everyone, I have a problem, this is the scenario.
I have a customer that has a website and hosting with another company.
he wants me to host and redesign the website for him but without downtime.
I know I can edit and design the WordPress website on my local machine and then upload it into cyber panel and so on. But before I started using cyber panel I was using CPanel .
so what I want to do like I just to do before is. install WordPress using cyber panel
I created a website in cyberpanel already and the directory of the domainname.com folder was created, so far everything is good, if i visit the domain.com it show me. the website that is currently online but it does not show me the ine i just created on my cyberpanel, so to solve this problem i modified the HOSTS FILE in windows
i open the file with visual studio code and i add the IP of my cyberpanel server plus servername.com and www.servername.com on the same line and then save the changes. so now i can see what i created in cyberpanel. and not the current website and that what i want. so far everything is working great.
then i select the website a created in cyberpanel and click on manage, and then click install WP+LSCACHE and cyberpanel does its magic, and after it finishes i visit the page again and it suppost to show me the wordpress website but instead it shows me this
where the red is that tha name of domainname.com
how can i make it work, is someone can help me out or is it a bug in cyberpanel.
because a checked all the files get created inside the public_html in its domain folder, and also checked the database and it gets created with no problem.
and the crazy thing is that when i press preview the domain from cyberpanel it opens the wordpress website
but it shows it on the url like this https://ip.ip.ip.ip:8090/preview/domainname.com/
and when i include wp-admin after the / it takes me to wordpress login page
but when i enter credentials doesnot work
an already try to change the password from database and try again still not working im sure im skeeping a step on the editing the host file or somewhere in cyberpanel please need some help