Features request: Can cyberpanel's LSCPD support IPV6?

I install cyberpanel on ubuntu 22 and the LSCPD seems only work on IPV4 (port 8090 by default).
That means I can’t access the panel via IPV6, and I guess mainly because currenct version’s LSCPD can’t listen on the IPV6 env.
Since there is more and more IPv6 Only VPS on the market, the feature should be more important.
Also, make the port changeable like ipv4 on ipv6 to support like 8443 port for cloudflare would be nice.
Thanks all, and I love cyberpanel deadly.

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Your question made me think about how to solve this and I went deeper into researching the LSCPD. Find out that LSCPD is a build of OpenLiteSpeed ​​using --with-lscpd and rename it to lscpd.

Knowing this, I went after the OLS code and discovered how the web port for the CP is opened.

When I discovered it, I saw that I could take advantage of a Bug, I tested this bug and worked here.
and listen now to IPV6 and IPV4.

Edit the /usr/local/lscp/conf/bind.conf file and place in this order

Restart lscpd
systemctl restart lscpd

First of all, thanks vbg286’s resolution.
After I set the bind.conf as:

Every thing went good. the panel can be access via ipv6. But, I fond a small bug relate to it.

That is when I try to upgrading cyberpanel by usmannasir suggested script as follow:
sh <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/stable/preUpgrade.sh || wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/stable/preUpgrade.sh)

see the topic here: 02 - Upgrading CyberPanel

The error occur:

I have to edit /usr/local/lscp/conf/bind.conf file again and temporarily delete the “[::]:8443” (or [::]:8090 by default) and then, reexecute the upgrade script agian, so that it can upgrade cyberpanel properly.

Correct result will be:

I am wondering the reason why it stuck when the I enable ipv6 support in the file.
Can you talk to usmannasir, if it’s the problem of the upgrade script ?