Error while Restoring CPanel Backup

I’m trying to restore CPanel Backup by following Auto import cPanel sites to CyberPanel - 04 - Websites - CyberPanel Community . It worked fine in most cases. However, in cases where one DB user is assigned to more than one DB, its throwing error :

Failed to retore databases from file /home/backup/Backup_File_Name.tar.gz, error message: (1062, “Duplicate entry ‘DB_User_Name’ for key ‘dbUser’”).

Kindly suggest.

CyberPanel v1.9 with OpenLiteSpeed on Contabo VPS Server

Do you need additional users from that database?

I’m talking about a scenario in CPanel where a DB User “abc” is assigned to 2 different DB “db_1” and “db_2” . In that case, while restoring the backup from CPanel to CyberPanel, there is an error “Duplicate entry ‘DB_User_Name’ for key ‘dbUser’” which indicates that CyberPanel is unable to handle such scenario.

Hope that clarifies. Let me know if you need any additional information from my end.

Yes, I got it now. But right now on CyberPanel end it will not support this, because database column for database user should be unique.

Well, thats a major issue. In this case, the CPanel to CyberPanel import script should automatically rename the user to some other value.

I have also faced the same issue. it’s really difficult to migrate lots of database due to this error. and many of us like to use same user account for all database

Cant change imported database password

[06-17-27-Thu-Sep-2019] cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘int’ objects[mysqlUtilities.changePassword]
[06-19-32-Thu-Sep-2019] cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘int’ objects[mysqlUtilities.changePassword]
[06-19-44-Thu-Sep-2019] cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘int’ objects[mysqlUtilities.changePassword]

[06-19-59-Thu-Sep-2019] (1396, “Operation DROP USER failed for ‘xxx’@‘localhost’”)[deleteDatabase]
[06-20-08-Thu-Sep-2019] (1008, “Can’t drop database ‘xxx_xxxx’; database doesn’t exist”)[deleteDatabase]

i can see the database exits there and database is not removing after deleting manually from phpmyadmin

cd /usr/local/CyberCP/
python dbshell
alter table databases_databases drop index dbUser;

Thanks, I think it should work.