Error downloading packages: rsync31u-3.1.3-1.ius.el7.x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

Downloading packages:
Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed.
rsync31u-3.1.3-1.ius.el7.x86_6 FAILED [ Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found
Trying other mirror.
To address this issue please refer to the below wiki article

If above article doesn’t help to resolve this issue please use https://bugs.cent

Error downloading packages:
rsync31u-3.1.3-1.ius.el7.x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

why showing this error? how i can solve?

Check your /etc/resolv.conf and make sure you have DNS resolvers eg

I have the same problem. I checked the link: and it gives 404 error

same here today. I installed a lot of cyberpanels, but today it fail some repos withy 404