Email sending Score 10/10 but can't receive any email

Hi Team,

I user Vultr open port 25. Update 1.9 3E.

I have sending test to 10/10 but I send test to my email can’t receive any email to inbox/spam…

any solutions? Thanks.

check if port 25 is open, you might have to submit ticket to vultr support to open the port.

Type your comment> @Numeriku said:

check if port 25 is open, you might have to submit ticket to vultr support to open the port.

I have open Vultr port 25. Sending email test Score 10/10 but can’t receive any email?

i use Vultr. CentOs7.
I has send email form gmail or email service not any error to my email. but my inbox don’t receive email

Anything sending that so good. but don’t receive email back to inbox or spam in rainloop :frowning:

heres how to figure that out.

If you’re having inbound email issues.

open up ssh as root then tail all the email logs
tail -f /var/log/{maillog,exim_mainlog,exim_rejectlog,mail.log,mail.err,syslog} | grep -vEi ‘Firewall|ftp’

then open up gmail or whatever your going to send to the email hosted on cyberpanel and fire off test email.

Check the ssh console and you should see the error there.

My best guess off-hand is your probably missing stuff in the dovecot conf and its doing a dovecot stats writer failed thing. This can cause inbound email to not work. seen it on a few recent cyberpanel VPS where this directive is missing after an upgrade

For reference.

Re: Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed
ZhangHuangbin wrote:
Try this: Append new settings below in nano /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf, then restart dovecot service and try again.

service stats {
unix_listener stats-reader {
user = vmail
group = vmail
mode = 0660

unix_listener stats-writer {
    user = vmail
    group = vmail
    mode = 0660
