Duplicate SSH User

I created 3 different websites in Cyberpanel with domain as under :


and in all the cases, the SSH user is same i.e. devabc which isn’t right. Kindly suggest.

CyberPanel v1.9 with OpenLiteSpeed on Contabo VPS Server

For me it is like this

[root@talkshosting ~]# ls -la /home
total 36
drwx--x--x.  9 root       root       4096 Sep 17 15:41 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 18 root       root       4096 Sep 11 07:22 ..
drwx------   2 cyberpanel cyberpanel 4096 Sep 17 15:41 cyberpanel
drwx--x--x   4 cyberpa    cyberpa    4096 Sep 11 12:58 cyberpanel.xyz
drwx--x--x   4 devabcc    devabcc    4096 Sep 17 15:41 dev1.abc.com
drwx--x--x   4 devabcc0   devabcc0   4096 Sep 17 15:41 dev2.abc.com

devabcc and devabcc0

In my case, its

[root@vmi298656 ~]# ls -la /home/
total 52
drwx–x–x. 13 root root 4096 Sep 17 17:02 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 4096 Sep 13 12:23 …
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Sep 14 08:11 backup
drwx------ 2 cyberpanel cyberpanel 4096 Sep 14 08:23 cyberpanel
drwx–x–x 4 devabc devabc 4096 Sep 13 08:10 dev1.abc.com
drwx–x–x 4 devabc devabc 4096 Sep 13 12:42 dev2.abc.com
drwx–x–x 4 devabc devabc 4096 Sep 13 18:59 dev3.abc.com
drwx------ 2 docker docker 4096 Sep 12 19:35 docker
drwx–x–x 4 fivesta fivesta 4096 Sep 14 08:11 fivestar.abc.com
drwx–x–x 4 pwaabc pwaabc 4096 Sep 14 08:11 pwa.abc.com
drwx------ 2 vmail vmail 4096 Sep 12 19:38 vmail
drwx–x–x 7 wikiyou wikiyou 4096 Sep 13 16:21 wiki.abc.com
drwx–x–x 4 abcogi abcogi 4096 Sep 13 15:40 abc.com

I think may be because I restored them from CPanel ? Please suggest.

You are right, I’ve fixed it in cPanel Importer code, fix will come in v1.9.1.

Many Thanks. When is the release of v1.9.1 scheduled ? Meanwhile, how can I apply this fix on my panel as I urgently need to import data from another CPanel.

I’d appreciate a response here. Its over a month now.

Fixed a long time ago in cPanel importer as well, forgot to mention here.

Its not fixed still. I’m on v1.9.1 and also tried the latest cPanel importer as well but the SSH users are still duplicate. Please help.

Resolved → bug fix: resolve user conflicts · usmannasir/cyberpanel@dd3a551 · GitHub

You can get the fix using new upgrade guide → 02 - Upgrading CyberPanel - 01 - Install/Upgrade - CyberPanel Community

@CyberPanel Thanks for the fix. So, after this upgrade, do I need to do import again or will it automatically fix the usernames ? Kindly suggest. Or give me a way to manually change the usernames since reimporting the accounts doesn’t seem feasible now.


You will have to redo the import, manually it is not easy to replace those usernames.

Thats very annoying. I repent moving to CyberPanel from CPanel. Lots of issues.