The custom domain for my cyberpanel is not working. It is giving me a Privacy error and saying that the connection is not private. It was working fine few days back and SSL and everything was perfectly installed. Can you please look into it?
Hello @kiltzone66058
You need to renew your website ssl 1 - Issuing SSL for website - Docs - CyberPanel Community
I can’t login or get passed to the security error so how do it
I did that and it is still not working, I tried in incognito as well.
Post a screenshot here
SSL Certificate is valid. You have set cf ssl certificate to HSTS. Use this tutorial to disable it HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs
Correct your issues should go away now
It is still there?
The issue is still there and not solved. My configuration are as follows
Current Version:
Current Commit:
Latest Version:
Latest Build:
Latest Commit:
Run the command service service lscpd restart.