Domain error when activating second web page

Hello, I have a question and I don’t know if I blocked myself!

When I loaded cyberpanel and started to edit it in the settings, it asked me for a .com domain

Which I did with my main domain, I configured it correctly and I was already uploading it to the Internet.

So far so good

Today it occurs to me to register a different domain and I made a new website

I assumed that I had to create a new dns zone for this domain, which I did

I acquired my domain (the second) in google domains and there I made the changes to create personalized server names, logically I pointed them to my IP of my server (cyberpanel)

The problem is that now my main domain is no longer seen in the browser and it sends me the error (DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN) and the second domain that I registered is seen correctly (if it appears on the network)

I did this while logged in as admin

If you could help me understand where the error could have been!

Thanks in advance.


Happy New Year @PetzoneMx

Why did you create new dns zones for a domain which you created a website for in cyberpanel?

Did you set the default nameservers for your cyberpanel server ?