DNS and SSL issue

CyberPanel Community!..

Hopefully You guys are Doing Well…

I have been using Cyberpanel for the last few months so I am still learning, and mostly I have default settings. I only set up things that where importatnt for security reasons.
I have set up 3 domains on my Cyberpanel without any problem and they are public and I have been using them, but in the last week i try to set up 2 more domains and I having problems with nameservers and I also get resonse from server “Failed to obtain SSL, issuing self-signed SSL for:”
I think I have set up everything right but why the DNS and nameservers won’t propagate I have no Idea. I did everything I did on the other 3 domains.

Yesterday I have updated my Cyberpanel to the latest version.

Is there anything else I can try to force things? Will it help if I delete the website and set it up again?

Cyberpanel is running on Contabo server, Ubuntu 20.04

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Thank you in advanced

Please show me the results of the SSL comnd.

sorry but i don’t know how to show that to you.
can you explain