Cyberpanel not work after reboot Vps

Your server seems down or has network issues. Please contact Contabo to fix the network issue.

No. I don’t have any network issues. Rest all sites are opening properly. I had a problem after restarting contabo VPS.

You aren’t really helping us by providing enough details to understand the issue.
All your sites hosted under cyberpanel are working and just the cyberpanel dashboard not working for you?
If that is so, then there is something wrong with your firewall. Try to stop the firewall using the below command and then try to connect cyberpanel

sudo systemctl stop firewalld

yes I mean- just the cyberpanel dashboard not working for you? I tried that command but nothing happens, still not working.

As per your SSH screenshot I can see that your server disk space is full and that’s the reason cyberpanel is not opening for you. Also your sites will be down due to disk full issue.

Ok. What can I do now?

Do you know linux commands? If so, then find the unwanted files eating up your diskspace and delete them to make space. Or else, upgrade your storage from your hosting provider.

Sorry Sir I don’t know Linux commands, plz let me know.

you will then have to either hire a linux administrator or the easiest way for now is to upgrade your storage space from your hosting provider.

I have the same problem but i ssh to my server what do i do.