Custom nameservers for CyberPanel droplet

I have a CyberPanel droplet on DO and I have a domain on GoDaddy.
I want to create custom nameservers for CyberPanel but the droplet provides only 1 IP address.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
I want to have custom nameservers so that I can provide them to my friends that want to point their domains to my server so that they can host their sites there too and they dont have to put in records.

use both NS with same ip
it’s no problem

even some people have 2 or more IP
but all ip pointed on same server that will be useless

the best config are
2 ip for 2 place

so… yes there is no prob to use
NS1.domain.tld IN A
NS2.domain.tld IN A
or you can create 4 :smiley:

GoDaddy wont allow me use the same IP for both ns1 and ns2

you can use only one…
then at cyberpanel
you put this
ns2.domain.tld IN A ip.ip.ip.ip


btw godaddy ask you IN A or private NS ? or domain NS ?
if domain NS then if you need to create private NS first
ns1.domain.tld IN A ip1.ip1.ip1.ip1
ns2.domain.tld IN A ip1.ip1.ip1.ip1
then go to domain panel
set domain NS to ns1 and ns 2

(sry i never use go daddy, so i dont know exactly their step2 procedure)

First you have to add glue records for these nameservers and then you can create and add the custom nameserver

Thank you. Could you point to a guide or tell me how to do that? Apparently people at GoDaddy support are having trouble helping me with this lol

I also found this solution on DigitalOcean: How To Create Vanity or Branded Nameservers with DigitalOcean Cloud Servers
What do you think about using this for custom nameservers?
Check this

thank you, figured out the problem
.eu domains do not support custom host names
just spent over an hour on the phone with godaddy support

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