When cronJob run, It creates a lot of file in the root folder, see in the image
Happy New Year @ruhul11bd
Start by finsing out if you have several instances of daemon running
ps -A | grep crond
Next it would be wise to reduce the time intervals to run it. It seems it runs every minute.
I would assume you have a sink for the command being executed by crond e.g.
* * * * * root /usr/bin/wget -O - https://website.com/export-txt.php >> /home/mydomain.com/public_html/output.txt
this part dumps any errors or output to a file accessible at documentroot
>> /home/mydomain.com/public_html/output.txt
All cronjobs are here /var/spool/cron/crontabs you can always view your conrjobs by running crontab -l
Therefore you need to check the script executed make sure its execution ends cause it seems it might be looping.
Could you please help me to write the full command? As I haven’t good knowledge about it.
Post your cronjob here (copy paste) do not screenshot
wget https://example.com/process-orders
Please help me.
Can you run this command on ssh terminal or vnc and post result here
$ wget -vc --progress=bar:force https://example.com/process-orders
I donot know about "ssh terminal or vnc " I just want run cronJob
If you dont run in the terminal how will you know it runs effectively ?
What does the cronjob do ? What is https://example.com/process-orders ? Post the code here if possible
Connecting to example.com (example.com)||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 0 [text/html]
Saving to: ‘process-orders’
process-orders [ <=> ] 0 --.-KB/s in 0s
2023-03-05 20:42:05 (0.00 B/s) - ‘process-orders’ saved [0/0]