CPU Load Spikes over 100% All the Time on Ubuntu Server

Hello Folks,

I am surprisingly experiencing CPU load resource deficiency due to lsphp command on my OLS (1.8.2 Version) Here is my server specs:

  • 4VCPU (Intel)
  • 8GB Ram
  • 80GB HDD

I am utilizing CX32 package in Hetzner company. I am running the latest version of both Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS and Cyberpanel 2.3.8. My server and panels are up to date.

I am having around 15 websites in my server all of them is based in Wordpress. Some of them are running Woocommerce. The ones which are Woocommerce especially one of them causing CPU load dramatically. Please see the attached screenshot.

I used top atop htop commands on terminal and came up with the result that one specific website consumes the resource so much.

I have searched enough and even asked AI for help and did what I was being told including tips from other users experienced similar problems. However, nothing works out! I think I tried every possible way to fix it.

  • I activated LS Cache plug-in with relevant settings
  • I activated OPCache module through php.ini setting files
  • Memcache and Redis modules are installed and enabled in the server
  • I downgraded PHP version from 8.3 to 8.2
  • I deleted phpsession folders
  • I scanned all server in regards to malicious files, malware or other exploiting scripts.
  • I have reinstalled the website which causing the problem with new core WP files. Deactivated all plug-ins
  • I have activated I am under attack mode in Cloudflare. It seems like it is not Brute Force/DDOS Attack
  • I disabled WP Cron jobs and XLM-RPC jobs

Is there anything left to try? I am not newbie person in this area but I am already burnout with this freaking problem!

Any super hero there to save me out?

Stay Tuned!

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Follow this guide if it applies. But as in htop it shows your sites using cpu. Might be a DDOS or DOS Attack use security providers like cpguard or imunify.

Did you check CPU steal time using top command?

im also facing the same my website is just plain html and no backend logics at all
i reboot the server every day at midnight manually

  • 4VCPU (Intel)
  • 16GB Ram
  • 300GB SSD

I think htop command will you more insights into CPU and I have added screenshot.

Have you checked the command causing spike? Is it lsphp command?

Thank you for your reply Ariyan. I believe that this is not related to DDOS attack. It is about server. I think new update is still not a solution. This is all happened after the latest security vulnerability.

I created a new server with clean Ubuntu 22.04 and Cyberpanel. However, I having errors still.

You can run the kinsing removing script from my guide so make sure the malware is not there in any driver or surface.

run top command instead of htop and share the screenshot. I cannot see it on htop screenshot shared

Hello gringofrijolero

Is this what you are looking for? Any idea for a solution?

Thanks, I was looking for this.I cant see the top details

By the way is it richard32+ your user? Seems to be consuming 98%