CPANEL import - instruction questions

Hi there,
The only info I’ve found on the import of cpanel backup file in cyber is here: Auto import cPanel sites to CyberPanel - 04 - Websites - CyberPanel Community

There’s not any description of what to expect, as in what’s actually imported.

I’ve just done an import, with no reported errors (happy about that).

I have a few questions:

  1. I see it’s not created a user. Is that to be expected? Is it such that we create the user manually, and then link it to the website that the import has created in Cyber? Wouldn’t it be less work if the import created a user?

  2. I’ve added the user myself, but how do I now link that user to the “Website” that’s been created in Cyber? The Website currently belongs to “admin” user, and I see no way to change that.

[ANSWER: I see I need to go into “Websites > Modify Websites” and there I can assign the owner of the website.]

  1. It has also not added the domain to the “List Domains” when I manage the “Website”. I now see that’s the case with websites I’ve created in Cyber myself.

So this is a non-cpanel-import question. Is there a reason why “List domains” when managing a website, doesn’t show the domain(s) that are linked to that site?



  1. I see it’s not created a user. Is that to be expected? Is it such that we create the user manually, and then link it to the website that the import has created in Cyber? Wouldn’t it be less work if the import created a user?

CyberPanel login users are not directly mapped to linux users. So when website is restored from cPanel backup it is restored to admin account in CyberPanel. However all sites run through their own linux user and that user can be found using

ls -la /home

  1. I’ve added the user myself, but how do I now link that user to the “Website” that’s been created in Cyber? The Website currently belongs to “admin” user, and I see no way to change that.

If you go to Modify Website, you can change website owner.

  1. It has also not added the domain to the “List Domains” when I manage the “Website”. I now see that’s the case with websites I’ve created in Cyber myself.

This could be a bug, need to check.


  1. might be an addon domain but not a primary domain ? Try to check if you can see the domain that you are looking for “List Child Domain” then convert it to Primary domain

Thanks for these answers.

Regarding #3… I’ll see what happens on my next import, and pay more attention to the circumstances (add-on domain, primary domain, etc.)