Configservercsf (CSF) not found after upgrading cyberpanel

After updating my CyberPanel, I am getting an error message on the CSF config page.

"# Not Found
The requested resource was not found on this server."

Can anyone suggest an issue?

Hello @hardhat

Kindly follow basic instructions here How to ask for assistance?

Try run this

perl /usr/local/csf/bin/

Post screenshot here or copy and paste the output

  1. server os version e.g. Ubuntu 22.04
  2. CP version - Current Version: 2.3 Build:4 Current Commit:
    Here is the output.

This server has installed CyberPanel.
Log in https://xxxxxxxx:8090

Current Server time : 2023-07-07 11:09:29.
Current Load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Current CPU usage   : 0.68157%.
Current RAM usage   : 570/3814MB (14.94%).
Current Disk usage  : 13/38GB (36%).
System uptime       : 4 days, 2 hours, 54 minutes.

Enjoy your accelerated Internet by CyberPanel.

xx@xxx:~# perl /usr/local/csf/bin/
Testing ip_tables/iptable_filter...OK
Testing ipt_LOG...OK
Testing ipt_multiport/xt_multiport...OK
Testing ipt_REJECT...OK
Testing ipt_state/xt_state...OK
Testing ipt_limit/xt_limit...OK
Testing ipt_recent...OK
Testing xt_connlimit...OK
Testing ipt_owner/xt_owner...OK
Testing iptable_nat/ipt_REDIRECT...OK
Testing iptable_nat/ipt_DNAT...OK

RESULT: csf should function on this server


nano /etc/csf/csf.conf

Look for the line UI using CTRL+W if you are using nano post everything below that line including that line here

Do you mean this?

# This options restricts the ability to modify settings within this file from
# the csf UI. Should the parent control panel be compromised, these restricted
# options could be used to further compromise the server. For this reason we
# recommend leaving this option set to at least "1" and if any of the
# restricted items need to be changed, they are done so from the root shell
# 0 = Unrestricted UI
# 1 = Restricted UI
# 2 = Disabled UI

I meant something like

#Enable Web UI
UI = "2"

Anyway go to nano /etc/csf/ui/ui.allow and check if your server ipv4 is listed there

No, my IP is not listed. It is a blank file. my Ip-

Add your server ip in that list and run csf -r

Is there any formate, or just add my IP? I added IP but still same error.

Restart csf service

Also look up the listening ui port on the config file and check if its running

I think i found correct location of UI

# SECTION:Integrated User Interface
# Integrated User Interface. This feature provides a HTML UI to csf and lfd,
# without requiring a control panel or web server. The UI runs as a sub process
# to the lfd daemon
# As it runs under the root account and successful login provides root access
# to the server, great care should be taken when configuring and using this
# feature. There are additional restrictions to enhance secure access to the UI
# See readme.txt for more information about using this feature BEFORE enabling
# it for security and access reasons
# 1 to enable, 0 to disable
UI = "0"

# Set this to the port that want to bind this service to. You should configure
# this port to be >1023 and different from any other port already being used
# Do NOT enable access to this port in TCP_IN, instead only allow trusted IP's
# to the port using Advanced Allow Filters (see readme.txt)
UI_PORT = "6666"

# Optionally set the IP address to bind to. Normally this should be left blank
# to bind to all IP addresses on the server.
# Optionally set the IP address to bind to. Normally this should be left blank
# to bind to all IP addresses on the server.
# If the server is configured for IPv6 but the IP to bind to is IPv4, then the
# IP address MUST use the IPv6 representation. For example must use
# ::ffff:
# Leave blank to bind to all IP addresses on the server
UI_IP = ""

# This should be a secure, hard to guess username
# This must be changed from the default
UI_USER = "username"
# Optionally set the IP address to bind to. Normally this should be left blank
# to bind to all IP addresses on the server.
# If the server is configured for IPv6 but the IP to bind to is IPv4, then the
# IP address MUST use the IPv6 representation. For example must use
# ::ffff:
# Leave blank to bind to all IP addresses on the server
UI_IP = ""

# This should be a secure, hard to guess username
# This must be changed from the default
UI_USER = "username"
# If enabled, this option will add the connecting IP address to the file
# /etc/csf/ui/ui.ban after UI_RETRY login failures. The IP address will not be
# able to login to the UI while it is listed in this file. The UI_BAN setting
# does not refer to any of the csf/lfd allow or ignore files, e.g. csf.allow,
# csf.ignore, etc.
# For security reasons, you should always enable this option
UI_BAN = "1"

# If enabled, only IPs (or CIDR's) listed in the file /etc/csf/ui/ui.allow will
# be allowed to login to the UI. The UI_ALLOW setting does not refer to any of
# the csf/lfd allow or ignore files, e.g. csf.allow, csf.ignore, etc.
# For security reasons, you should always enable this option and use ui.allow
UI_ALLOW = "1"

# If enabled, this option will trigger an iptables block through csf after
# UI_RETRY login failures
# 0 = no block;1 = perm block;nn=temp block for nn secs
UI_BLOCK = "1"
# If enabled, this option will add the connecting IP address to the file
# /etc/csf/ui/ui.ban after UI_RETRY login failures. The IP address will not be
# able to login to the UI while it is listed in this file. The UI_BAN setting
# does not refer to any of the csf/lfd allow or ignore files, e.g. csf.allow,
# csf.ignore, etc.
# For security reasons, you should always enable this option
UI_BAN = "1"

# If enabled, only IPs (or CIDR's) listed in the file /etc/csf/ui/ui.allow will
# be allowed to login to the UI. The UI_ALLOW setting does not refer to any of
# the csf/lfd allow or ignore files, e.g. csf.allow, csf.ignore, etc.
# For security reasons, you should always enable this option and use ui.allow
UI_ALLOW = "1"

# If enabled, this option will trigger an iptables block through csf after
# UI_RETRY login failures
# 0 = no block;1 = perm block;nn=temp block for nn secs
UI_BLOCK = "1"
# This controls what email alerts are sent with regards to logins to the UI. It
# uses the uialert.txt template
# 4 = login success + login failure/ban/block + login attempts
# 3 = login success + login failure/ban/block
# 2 = login failure/ban/block
# 1 = login ban/block
# 0 = disabled
UI_ALERT = "4"

# This is the SSL cipher list that the Integrated UI will negotiate from

# This is the SSL protocol version used. See IO::Socket::SSL if you wish to
# change this and to understand the implications of changing it

# If cxs is installed then enabling this option will provide a dropdown box to
# switch between applications
UI_CXS = "0"

# There is a modified installation of ConfigServer Explorer (cse) provided with
# the csf distribution. If this option is enabled it will provide a dropdown
# box to switch between applications
UI_CSE = "0"

Now use any of the commands that dump socket statistics to see if anything is listening to port 6666

6666 is not in the socket statistic list.

Ideally this would be changed

# 1 to enable, 0 to disable
UI = "1"
# any open port here - Do NOT enable access to this port in TCP_IN
UI_PORT = "6666"
# This should be a secure, hard to guess username
# This must be changed from the default
UI_USER = "username"
# Leave blank to bind to all IP addresses on the server
UI_IP = "::ffff:"

But before you do that show me /var/log/lfd.log there must be errors here

Thank you a lot @josephgodwinke for your support. Issue solved.

hey, what did you do to resolve this? currently having this issue also

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