Hello, my control panel became inaccessible literally out of nowhere, I’ve already updated the cyberpanel, restarted the machine but it doesn’t come back, can someone help me to solve it?
Port 7080 is from OLS what is not opening is cyberpanel
How can I open this port through the terminal?
What is strange is that it closes out of nowhere, because I went to sleep when I woke up it was inaccessible!
But I still believe it’s on your side, because the other doors are working, just your custom door that doesn’t. So there is no problem with your server or with the cyberpanel, it is certainly problem with the release of the customized port 8443.
My host doesn’t block the ports, it’s just on the same machine, I’m using Contabo
nano is installed use it!
The csf directory doesn’t exist but normal because I’m not using it as a correct firewall?