Change the upload size for php.ini for wordpress

I’m trying to change the upload size for php.ini for wordpress because changing it individually for site isnt working and when i click the link it looks like its a paid service??

shouldnt this be free?

Welcome @georgejr6 Happy you are here

You should use the https://SERVER_URL:8090/managephp/editPHPConfigs and choose any php version you prefer to alter directives and change directive values depending on either a simple or advanced edit

Root File Manager on the other hand helps you to edit server files as root/sudo user e.g. php.ini without the need of using ssh terminal or vnc. This is a paid addon

I’m also having a similar problem. I’m uploading a zip file and I’m getting this error “The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.”

I’ve already updated all PHP versions to 128M and with no result, do I still need to do anything else to change that?

I’m having the same problem, I’ve already changed the upload_max_filesize to 1024M and even so, going to the WP settings through the SERVER information shows the maximum size of 2M and I left it for 1024M. How to solve this because it is giving this in all versions of PHP

I made the same configuration and even so, as shown in the prints, the file upload did not increase