Can't issue SSL properly

Thank you for the quick reply

This time I’m trying to issue SSL for the hostname, Is this method work for that?

Remove the failed issuance using command rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt/live/ and follow the normal issuance https://SERVER_URL:8090/manageSSL/sslForHostName

Still giving an error.

Cannot issue SSL. Error message: [Fri 28 Oct 2022 01:33:38 PM UTC] Registering account: [Fri 28 Oct 2022 01:33:39 PM UTC] Already registered [Fri 28 Oct 2022 01:33:39 PM UTC] ACCOUNT_THUMBPRINT=‘YpDcyzrPiYHxSsWjyijX0ZtjT3o39zg9XXqOOy2Z0-k’ Killed

after running this command, anything else to do? restart or something

rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Start by getting the latest version of acme by running this on the command line:

wget -O - | sh

Then try reinstalling SSL. if you get errors paste the error log here:


Here you will see a command which CyberPanel have tried to obtain SSL for your site, now copy this command and execute it via command line, and you will see why CyberPanel failed to obtain the SSL. The command will look like:

/root/ --issue -d -d --cert-file  
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ --key-file  
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ --fullchain-file  
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ -w  
/home/\_html --force

Here CyberPanel is trying to obtain SSL for, in your case, it will be your domain.

Reference: 1 - Issuing SSL for website - Docs - CyberPanel Community

Still same error,

Cannot issue SSL. Error message: [Fri 28 Oct 2022 01:45:06 PM UTC] Registering account: [Fri 28 Oct 2022 01:45:09 PM UTC] Already registered [Fri 28 Oct 2022 01:45:09 PM UTC] ACCOUNT_THUMBPRINT=‘YpDcyzrPiYHxSsWjyijX0ZtjT3o39zg9XXqOOy2Z0-k’ Killed

Main log file shows these

[10.28.2022_13-43-41] Status Code: 200 for:
[10.28.2022_13-45-05] Status Code: 200 for:
[10.28.2022_13-45-05] Status Code: 200 for:

any command to see how many SSL on my server n SSL details?

Thank you very much for helping me.
That domain already pointed to IP address. I think that issue is because of the previous SSL certificate.
need to find a method to remove old SSL

Run cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/ && ls delete the hostname ssl of old domain e.g. you see:

Run the command rm -rf

Still the Same error, Why does this SSL complicated :disappointed_relieved:

Thanks, brother, you try your best. I think this panel complicated for me

Don’t worry am hear to help.

Clear DNS cache on your client side.

What error are you getting? Post screenshots here

This is not the first time, last time before pointing out the DNS issue with the SSL, it was my bad, so after deleting it all again, I set up DNS correctly and try to reissue SSL. that time also gave the error same as this. it’s another domain.

Here are the DNS records.

Here is the giving error.

Here is the main log file
from here you can see that you need to delete folder under /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Which version of CyberP are you running?

On the location already deleted. then after I try your steps.

Current Version: 2.3

See list of all certificates --list and run --remove -d

Its saying “seems to have a ECC cert already”

Run --remove -d --ecc

Here the result

Run rm -rf /root/

Done, can I issue now SSL?

Run --list do you see

Can't issue SSL properly - #9 by aj161 here you stated your issue is fixed. Didn’t you issue SSL for new hostname domain?