Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)

host version: Ubuntu 22.04

CP version:

Current Version:2.3
Current Commit: 63cd467b5a7882ad2b4a207ce748e8446838c376
Latest Version: 2.3
Latest Build: 4
Latest Commit: 63cd467b5a7882ad2b4a207ce748e8446838c376

steps to reproduce:

  1. install cyberpanel
  2. create a website
  3. create a db
  4. set allowed ips to %
  5. try to access from another machine

misc info:
this is the third fresh install of cyberpanel ive done so far and i still cant access any dbs from another local ip. ive put % as the allowed ip and still nothing. whats the reason for this? i didnt check off remote mysql in the installer if thats the reason but from what ive seen it has nothing to do with this. ive genuinely looked everywhere and tried every config file i can think of but everything i find is from accessing it locally. im quite new to mysql so any help would be appreciated.