Hello Everyone,
I cannot be logged into my immunify panel. Getting the below error.
I explored the forum and got some tips to upgrade my cyber panel. I did that, still, I am getting the same error.
Hello Everyone,
I cannot be logged into my immunify panel. Getting the below error.
I explored the forum and got some tips to upgrade my cyber panel. I did that, still, I am getting the same error.
Hello @nawaze Happy you are here
Let’s troubleshoot this issue together.
What is the status of imunify service imunify360 status
[root@*** ~]# service imunify360 status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status imunify360.service
● imunify360.service - Imunify360 agent
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/imunify360.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-12-04 18:32:18 +06; 33min ago
Process: 80273 ExecStartPost=/bin/bash -c echo $MAINPID > /var/run/imunify360.pid (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 80253 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/imunify360_user (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 80255 (python3)
Status: “Starting main process”
CGroup: /system.slice/imunify360.service
├─80255 /opt/alt/python38/bin/python3 -m im360.run
├─80887 /usr/bin/tail --follow=name -n0 --retry /usr/local/lsws/logs/auditmodsec.log
└─80893 /usr/bin/tail --follow=name -n0 --retry /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json
Dec 04 18:32:16 myhostname.com systemd[1]: Starting Imunify360 agent…
Dec 04 18:32:18 myhostname.com imunify-service[80255]: Starting migrations
Dec 04 18:32:18 myhostname.com systemd[1]: Started Imunify360 agent.
Dec 04 18:32:18 myhostname.com imunify-service[80255]: There is nothing to migrate
Ok now this means imunify is running but the db is not fully integrated creating a disconnect between the web interface and imunify
Let’s see your error log file nano /var/log/imunify360/error.log
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:33:22,993] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 2
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:33:36,543] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 2
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:34:36,689] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 3
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:35:39,060] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 4
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:36:44,707] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 5
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:37:51,347] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 6
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:39:12,490] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 7
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:40:16,634] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 8
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:41:49,281] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 9
WARNING [2022-12-04 18:42:36,921] im360.plugins.remote_iplist: Can’t sync, reason: (‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized’, 401)
ERROR [2022-12-04 18:43:18,905] defence360agent.internals.iaid: something went wrong on activate APIError(‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 402: Payment Required’, 402) attempt 10
WARNING [2022-12-04 18:52:37,085] im360.plugins.remote_iplist: Can’t sync, reason: (‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized’, 401)
WARNING [2022-12-04 19:02:37,259] im360.plugins.remote_iplist: Can’t sync, reason: (‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized’, 401)
WARNING [2022-12-04 19:12:37,428] im360.plugins.remote_iplist: Can’t sync, reason: (‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized’, 401)
WARNING [2022-12-04 19:22:37,593] im360.plugins.remote_iplist: Can’t sync, reason: (‘request failed, reason: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized’, 401)
Do a resync by restarting the service:
$ service imunify360 stop && service imunify360 start
nothing happened, same error.
Sorry i forgot this part of the issue. At leasy we know we have no database errrors.
There is a problem with authorization at the agent level run imunify360-agent login pam --username root --password myawesomepasswordhere
Command-line Interface (CLI)
Also check you default php does it have the JSON module and proc_open
function enabled (remove it from the disable_functions
list in php.ini
I have same issue after update panel see fix below.
Run on SSH client
cd /usr/local/CyberCP/public/imunifyav
chmod +x ./bin/execute.py
Some reason imunify lose permission after every time update cyberpanel.
Thank you so much @Dreamer
Yeah, you solved my issue.
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