Can I deploy more than one node server?

Hello, I am trying to deploy an api in node, I previously deployed one, I have the doubt if in the same VPS within the same panel I can create another domain or subdomain and deploy more nodejs server, between them they do not interact. I have done the same steps as the first time but something is missing. It keeps redirecting me to the index.html file.

this is my data in vhost:

context / {
type appserver
location $VH_ROOT/public_html/
binPath /usr/bin/node
appType node
startupFile server.js
appserverEnv 1
maxConns 100

accessControl {
allow *

rewrite {
enable 1
autoLoadHtaccess 1

I don’t know if you need anything else

I added this in the rules:
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 443
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://.com/$1 [R,L]

As far as I am aware you can create multiple nodes

Have to figure it out by trial and error on what went wrong with you because I dont have a proper answer for you until I myself experiment this. Haven’t really tried hosting nodejs

Besides modifying the context, should I do something else? is it necessary to modify the rules?

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