Can i block login via ip on cyberpanel?

On another post i asked if was possible to set captcha on my cyberpanel, they said it was possible by cloudflare but it won’t apply to login by ip, but it is possible to block login by ip so cloudflare captcha would be the only way to log into cyberpanel? could i jus edit cyberpanel login page to block access by ip?

UP! sending this post up so it can be found.

Are you asking to block access to cyberpanel by writing
“X.X.X.X:8090” and only allowing it be accessible by an url “” ?


You want to block all ips except the ones you whitelist to access cyberpanel? (so that you can still access it using X.X.X.X:8090)

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“Are you asking to block access to cyberpanel by writing
‘X.X.X.X:8090’ and only allowing it be accessible by an url ‘’ ?”

Yes this one, i want to put a captcha on cyberpanel and i’ve told that i can do that by cloudflare but it won’t work on ip login so want to block ip login so if someone want to enter on cyberpanel it has to pass the captcha.

Sorry for the late reply.

After adding the URL to access your cyberpanel with cloudflare proxy:

You go to this file:


Replace * with your url:


Like this:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['my.domain.tld']

Restart cyberpanel:

systemctl restart lscpd
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There is a way to block access to myIP:8443? like preventing people from use this link so the only way access is by

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