This setting has no effect:
Select Backup Retention. Leave 0 for no limit
I place a value of anything in there 7 for example and there is no backups deleted - it just fills up the hard drive and all the problems associated with a full hard drive come up.
Is there a fix for this?
Hello users,
when I search for this topic I dont find a solution.
so either I am poor at searching
Its already been covered - if yes please send me a link to read about it
this is an isolated problem ( doubtful because its the same on each CP server)
or this feature is not widely used…
looking for responses
Mine works BUT DOES NOT DELETE as per the rule
as a result, it just fills up the disk
Is there some CRON JOB that supposed to be deleting old versions of backup?
if the wordpress plugin called UPDRAFT can do this perfectly - the mighty CYBERPANEL should be easliy be able to do the same thing…
wow - nobody using cyberpanel to backup - hard to believe
does this work? - for me - it just fills up the hard drive until the server gets 500 error
why doesnt it delete as the schedule config suggests?
Lol, I wonder why they dont care… they didnt reply to you till now… I also have the same issue am using FastPanel too… and it works perfect
Yeah, backup system does not work properly.
I started writing my own sh script to backup data to object storage because Cyberpanel does not support it. Also my script will delete local copy after successful object storage upload.
It was big mistake to trust Cyberpanel developers, one of my servers got hacked before and i wasted a lot of time and effort for nothing. I am planning to move to different hosting panel.
Can you please tell me which version you are using your panel is updated.
assume - its the latest version because anyone that cares about security is running the latest version.
better yet - test yourself!
but asking us questions in this way is a waste of anyones time.
i started with CyberPanel in 2019 because I was under a DDOS attack and was shut off by so many hosting companies. cPanel with apach simply could not keep up.
LiteSpeed is the thing that can handle load but you have to pay a lot for a 16 core CPU like I have, so I tried Cyberpanel with openlitespeed and the DDOS suddely was not bogging down my server. customers could use it and the DDOS continued for 3 weeks!
I dont host client sites otherwise I could not use cyberpanel
and you can not cluster Cyberpanel - which is a problem when you are at scale. For that the best option is High Availability Clustering when you need more power, you simply add another server and it automatically pulls it into the cluster. - really smart stuff but their control panel is headless and not traditional.
so I use cyberpanel with all its imperfections and rely on my own smarts to secure it and have a catastrophic backup plan x2 in place at all times.
I have tried paid Cyberpanel support - its also sub par.
off topic but like you I have wasted a lot of time and here we are
Yeah of course it is the latest version 2.3 (Build: 9 Current Commit: 6f28d39a591b5e08aac6adfcc59b642a58622ea2)
Why there is no new updates over a month now? Everything fixed?
right - no updates?
also using almalinx9 this folder is ony filling up with file with no end: ```
why is that?
can it be deleted without breaking anything?
I end up writing my crontab commands in my server to remove backup files every day.
For example delete backups folder every day at 02:30 am:
30 02 * * * rm /backups/*
Location folder can be specified in Cyberpanel backup script so make sure you emptying correct directory.
I also used “aws cli” to upload backups to my S3 object storage using this, before emptying the folder every day at 01:10 am:
10 01 * * * aws s3 cp /backups/ s3://backups --recursive
Strange, my /usr/local/CyberCP/tmp/ is totally empty.
Maybe it is using it to make a backup zip, probably it got stuck somewhere and cant complete operation. make sure there are sufficient disk space for backup script to finish doing it. I think it is safe to remove those files, can you manually check what files are there?