Backup v2 Error Problem!

I provided OneDrive authorization by logging in to Rclone with ssh access via the username. When I want to create a backup with Backupv2, the following error appears. I’ve been dealing with this for hours. What should I do, please help!

Kindly watch this guide and share main logs

Im receiving the same error, I created organization and follow all the Rclone documentations, the log return the following:

[05.13.2024_12-26-47] using no config file (./rustic.toml doesn’t exist)
[INFO] rclone output: Failed to create file system for “Cliente escritorio”: couldn’t find root directory ID: Get “”: couldn’t fetch token: unauthorized_client: if you’re using your own client id/secret, make sure they’re properly set up following the docs

Following the token created have a old exipry date, maybe this is the problem?

[05.13.2024_12-34-58] cWYSE1+e14R0ra8/UZ+q3a-u nestd rclone config update ‘Rclone’ token '{“access_token”:“ya29.a0AXooCgvlpmA9Ayayz0OqTdryx-jORn4pyERLno4hKJhpfYIkfODiXYu5QJnzb11xRxO7xSSmFtmL2VJcoYG9CUv-0TwI_KvDGWIBs4UN_uaX9-oCwUp9JoClYKXv9EROH614BVvkUbFKd8ji_kr-eAmJLpZEvgWMbMTsaCgYKAWASAMITA0171”,“token_type”:“Bearer”,“refresh_token”:“1//09XZtAKVF-L9Ir0xJRD850kaz_A9t11YSvnADhvee75vsRxXUpZxq7kXxUTCRA_EZQc”*,


[05.13.2024_12-34-58] {
“State”: “*oauth-confirm,teamdrive,”,
“Option”: {
“Name”: “config_refresh_token”,
“Help”: “Already have a token - refresh?”,
“Provider”: “”,
“Default”: true,
“Value”: null,
“Examples”: [
“Value”: “true”,
“Help”: “Yes”,
“Provider”: “”
“Value”: “false”,
“Help”: “No”,
“Provider”: “”
“ShortOpt”: “”,
“Hide”: 0,
“Required”: false,
“IsPassword”: false,
“NoPrefix”: false,
“Advanced”: false,
“Exclusive”: true,
“Sensitive”: false,
“DefaultStr”: “true”,
“ValueStr”: “true”,
“Type”: “bool”
“Error”: “”,
“Result”: “”

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Checking all the log I Found that too, it seems the token creating is not working correctly:

[05.13.2024_14-49-33] rclone config dump
[05.13.2024_14-49-33] cWYSE1+e14R0ra82lxnM38aES/UZ+q3a-u nestd8690 rclone config dump
[05.13.2024_14-49-34] Token Not upadate inside. Error: ‘token’