Backup solutions/ Paid or Not

Is there any solution to intergrade my contabo object storage with cyberpanel?
I want a simply and stable Backup function that makes automaticaly every day backup retentional or not to an external storage like my contabo s3 .

The backup that want to make is hole websites like, wordpress, custom websites and db ,

also want an easy restore, like Plesk solutions not to be expert to make a simple restore or backup,
espesially if want to make an urger restore and the time is very short!

Is there any way to do that or must be an expert System admin???

As i tried, retentional backup or automatic backup in contabo S3 isnt supported

I have made changes in cyberpanel incremental backup to take backup on contabo object storage.
But still using manual command for restoring backups.

Is that in official repo or you make custom code to fix that?

Custom Code

Is it difficult to implement on my panel? can you share please?

I have to agree… none of the backup systems in cyberpanel seem reliable…

The normal backup seems to work but I was told “backup retention” was a paid feature even though it doesn’t show as a paid feature.

Please itis a real and big issue (problem in cyberPanel) BKPs is nuclear and serios reason