Backup is not working

Hello my friends, something strange happened. First, I can’t take a full backup of the site. gz. Choose the site and no button appears to create the copy as before.

Centos 7

Centos seems to be buggy now days and not recommended to anymore. If you have bit time on hands, I recommend to spin new cyberpanel with ubuntu 22.04.

I want to do that, my friend, but how will I keep the data and websites? I don’t want to lose the websites and databases .

Is there any way to do that .
So that I save the sites with all records, data and email. Then I rebuild the server on Ubuntu 22 and if there is a better distribution let me know

If you VPS provider let preserve IP then just spin new VPS with ubuntu install cyberpanel and use remote backup function move all sites to new server after that just give that old IP to new server. If you cant keep old IP then you need to just point every domain DNS to new IP.

Does this mean that I have to buy a new server to transfer to? What about s3 services

You using VPS or bare metal if bare metal you run your own or some provider like Vultr? Remote backup function is easiest and fastest to move all data including emails to new instance.

No unfortunately I have one vps but there is an s3 object storage service. Is it possible to purchase and store the backup, from which I re-install the server and then restore the copies