[AutoRestarter] child process with pid=19075 received signal=11, a core file is created!

Anyone know how to fix this or some light regarding the possible cause?

2020-05-05 14:29:08.202076 [NOTICE] [AutoRestarter] child process with pid=19075 received signal=11, a core file is created!
2020-05-05 14:29:08.202117 [NOTICE] [***] will create core file.
2020-05-05 14:29:08.311368 [NOTICE] [AutoRestarter] cleanup children processes and unix sockets belong to process 19075 !
2020-05-05 14:29:08.412554 [NOTICE] [AutoRestarter] new child process with pid=26535 is forked!
2020-05-05 14:29:08.423331 [INFO] Stop listener *:7080.
2020-05-05 14:29:08.423768 [NOTICE] AIO is not supported on this machine!
2020-05-05 14:29:08.423826 [NOTICE] [child: 26535] Successfully change current user to nobody
2020-05-05 14:29:08.423839 [NOTICE] Child: 26535] Core dump is enabled.
2020-05-05 14:29:08.423868 [NOTICE] [Child: 26535] Setup swapping spaceā€¦
2020-05-05 14:29:08.423935 [NOTICE] [Child: 26535] LiteSpeed/1.6.13 Open