Auto Backup To Google Drive Aborted, Failed to run cp command during backup generation

Dear Support,
I’m having problems or backing up to Google drive on one of the sites I have, namely

When I check the log file I see an error notification like the one below

How to fix it?

i Use as additional information, I’m using Cyberpanel 2.3.4 and LiteSpeed ​​Enterprise

This Log file

[07.02.2023_00-02-26] /home/
[07.02.2023_00-02-26] /home/
[07.02.2023_00-02-26] /home/
[07.02.2023_00-02-26] /home/
[07.02.2023_00-02-26] /home/
[07.02.2023_00-02-26] /home/
[07.02.2023_00-02-40] Aborted, Failed to run cp command during backup generation..[365] [5009]