Authentication problem with snappy-mail

The amount of time spent to debug the issue, I think would be best if you made a fresh OS and migrated your websites there.
Especially because if the initial installation failed, then probably you installed the script when a bug was unpatched, and the upgrade didn’t address it (like the PHPMyAdmin thing).

That was what most likely happened.

Regarding the fresh ubuntu, depends. Did you manually install it by iso or did you use your provider auto-installation? Because providers like contabo and oracle cloud are known to install their bloatware with “vanilla” installations.

That shouldn’t happen at providers like Hetzner.

P.S: I just read your provider is hostinger. I wish you good luck but I won’t touch that provider.

Can i know what error CyberPanel give about devcot? I try to reproduce your issue but failed.

Hey there !

Having same issue , wondering if it was ever resolved?

unfortunately…NO :frowning:

I have the same issue and the command # postfix set-permissions gives me

chown: cannot access '/usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix': No such file or directory

Any soulution to solve this issue?

Any news I have the same issue with Ubuntu 18.04 64bit

Any solution? I have the same issue with SnappyMail. Have test by changing password to very simple but still can not login to Snappy Mail…

same problem